Update on Preparations for Argentina
Heres an update on our extensive preparations for the big contest - just 10 days now until we depart!
Club and World Class are able to rent gliders in Argentina (Sean
and Sarah fly rented ASW20’s in Club, Tom and Bill fly rented PW5’s in World) but
there are no competitive standard class gliders available.
This is why Phil and I had to ship two gliders to Argentina.
Adding to our transport complications
was our significant separation just within the US – I am in San Francisco while
Phil is in Boston – We had four options;
- Ship Phil’s glider to Oakland and ship our
gliders from CA
- Ship my glider to Boston and ship from NY
- Find a loaner glider in CA and ship that and my LS8a ‘2T’
- Find a glider in Boston and
ship with Phils glider ‘PG’
We ended up settling on option 4 due to the great trust and
generosity of Allan Adams, a member of Phil’s club in Boston, who loaned us his
newly acquired LS8-a ‘YG’ – all I had to do was pay the extra insurance – a great
saving over the transport costs for my own glider – Thanks Allan!!
Next, we had to get these 2 gliders with their trailers into
a container somehow – it became obvious that to make things fit the wheels
would have to come off – you can see pictures of the packing process in Boston
in Phil’s earlier posts- A big thank you to Ian Clark who was instrumental in
getting our container packed – Thanks Ian!!
Housing, transport,
logistics at the Port, crew etc.
The airfield at Chavez has an excellent campsite and
facilities , though for those who don’t relish the idea of camping, hotel accommodation
can be patchy. I was able to locate a
farmhouse for rent while I was at the PreWorlds in January (these are like Hens
Teeth – ie very rare) but not large enough for the whole team - we are planning
on housing the Standard class and support team there , while Club and World are
in other accommodation we were able to find in town during the PreWorlds. Team captain Rick Sheppe decided to camp at
the airfield in order to be available for early team captain meetings. We have
a team office in a portable trailer which Tom McKnight has graciously organized
at the field.
We have been able to arrange a set of pilot and glider
transportation from Buenos Aires, to the port at Zarate, to Chavez and back
again. The World Championships has been a bonanza for Argentine clubs as about
50 gliders have been made available for rent in the Club and World classes from
the profusion of Argentine gliding clubs.
The Airfield
This aerial photo shows the large grass runways and the camping are in the trees near the hangars and swimming pool and tennis courts.
Cars and Crew
Phil is going to Chavez with veteran pilot, crew and past
team manager John Good, while I am relying on the generosity of the
Argentinians for crew – my original paid crew could not make it due to
expecting his 6th (!) child in January.. but we are delighted with
the cooperation we have been able to achieve with the Argentinian team in
helping us with cars and crew in exchange for the loan of gliders to the
Argentinian team for the Uvalde World Championships earlier this year. Collectively, team USA should not be lacking
for crew support during the contest.
Tom and Mimi McKnight and Bill and Nancy Snead are
representing both the US and the great state of Texas in World Class in Argentina
– we have 2 California pilots in Sean Franke in Club, with his Dad, Manfred, as crew, and yours truly in Standard class. From Tennessee , Sarah Arnold in Club class, ably assisted by husband Jason ,
and from Massachusetts we have team mate Phil in Standard class.
We are all arriving in Argentina shortly after Christmas –
Phil, John, Rick and I all depart the day after Christmas Day to arrive on the
morning of December 27th – and will depart immediately in 2 cars for
the port in Zarate to unpack the container – Club and World class teams arrive
a few days later as they are renting and their gliders are being delivered to
the airfield. We hopefully arrive in Chavez with 2 gliders on Dec 29th
in time to register, finish glider scrutineering and then up in the air for orientation and
practice flights. The first contest day is Jan 6th, last day Jan 19th
– Wish us luck!!
A good day in Argentina – last day at the PreWorlds